Important Pages for EXAM

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Railway Exam-2016,19-04-2016(3rd sitting)

1. Rajatarangini Related To Which State?
Ans. Jammu & Kashmir

2. Who Invented E-mail?
Ans. Shiva Ayyadurai

3. Which Gas Exposed in Bhopal Gas Tragedy ?
Ans. Methyl Isocyanate

4. Unit of Force?
Ans. Newton

5. National Emergency imposed by
Ans. President

6. Which Country Won Maximum No.of FIFA Football Cups?
Ans. Brazil

7. Sumitra Mahajan is Representing Which constituency ?
Ans. Indore

8. What Is Blue Moon?
Ans. The third full Moon in an astronomical season with 4 full Moons

9. CT Scan Full Form?
Ans. Computerized Tomography Scan

10. Plastics are made up of?
Ans. Polymers

11. Main material in glass?
Ans. silica

12. CEC Full Form?
Ans. Chief Election Commissioner


  1. can we have all question and answers.?

  2. Generally there is a problem in GA section of all the students.The pattern of aptitude and reasoning section are nearly same for all. (We already mentioned the pattern in previous blogs.)

    Actually we collected questions from the students who already appeared in the exam.We will try to collect more questions in this GA section.

    Thank you for your valuable suggestion.
