Thursday, 8 September 2016

RBI Phase II: Flashback 2015

Dear Readers,

RBI has quite efficiently managed to publish the result of RBI Grade B Phase I result within 5 Days of examination and barely 10 days left for proper preparation. So friends, this can be your way into the India's Central Bank, RBI. So before you start asking for the last year topics and analysis, we are providing you the gist of what RBI asked in Phase II Exam. But before we start, we would like to inform you that RBI has omitted two subjects from the examination and there is no optional in paper III.

Below is the exact analysis that was published last year :

Overall exam was easy. All the three papers were mainly from the current events which happened recently. Whether it is English, or Economic and Social Issue or even the optional subject i.e. Finance and Management includes questions related to current events. 

The English paper composed of two questions:
One question was on Precise Writing and One Question was on Essay Writing.

a) The Precise was based on the initiatives which are launched by Government after the speech of our Honourable PM Modi on Independence Day which includes the motive of Start Up India. 
b) The Essay topics which were asked in today's exam:
1. Does India need bold capital investment?
2. Gold Related Scheme
3. Is progress possible without peace?
4. Will china's downturn help India?
5. Climate catastrophe are due to man's wild construction.

Note: The students were asked to complete the essay in about 400 words.

Paper 2 was of Economic and Social Issues, in which 40 questions were asked which were of total 100 marks. This paper was also easy as most of the questions were related to the current events like Ease of doing business report, Budget, GST, Important financial schemes launched by government in the last year etc. The paper was a mixed bag, comprising of questions ranging from mostly easy to a few difficult ones.

Paper 3 was an optional subject 
1) Finance & Management (This is the only subject available in paper III in 2016)
In this, there were in all 51 questions. All questions were doable and related to the current financial and business events.

The break-up of the questions are as follows:
a) 20 questions- 1 mark each
b) 25 questions- 2 mark each
c) 6 questions- 5 mark each

Overall, the paper was easy which surprised the students as they were not expecting this. In each section, they found the 90 minutes time frame more than sufficient which helped them to thoroughly go through the entire paper. 

Economics question asked in 2015:
Objective of manufacturing policy
Urban population as per census and their contribution in gdp
Pmjdy facilities
Poor economics' book's writer
One ques on bali trade ageeement
Head of 14th finance comsn
Highest fdi contributer in india
India is not membr of
Options saarc, asean , bricks, fatf
JAM full form nd objective
Sebi head 
Insrtituion recently merged in sebi
World happiness report pubilshed by..?? In which indias rank is 117
Global cometitiv index india' rank this year nd last year
Integrated child health progrm obective
Imf does not publish...
NHB establishment year
Author of Poor economics
Mudra bank function
PMJDY special features
CVC constitutional body or not
Author of Arthshastra
What is Repo Rate
Service sector contribution

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